Producer price inflation has now been negative for four months, and with commodity prices at their current level, looks likely to remain negative in 2013. 生产者价格涨幅已经有四个月为负,而以当前的大宗商品价格水平来看,2013年PPI涨幅很有可能仍然为负。
The real lending rate ( the weighted average lending rate plus producer price deflation) rose to 10.8 per cent in March, its highest level since September 2009, according to a research note from Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong ( see chart). 香港瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)发表的一份研究报告显示,中国的实际贷款利率(加权平均贷款利率加上生产者价格通缩)在今年3月升至10.8%,为2009年9月以来的最高水平。
That is based on an average bank lending rate of around 7 percent, and includes producer price inflation of around 4 percent. 这个估计是基於7%左右的平均银行贷款利率,也考虑了约为4%的生产者物价指数。
The mainland economy is slowing dramatically: growth came in at a six-year low for the first quarter; exports have plunged; and producer price deflation in China, part of the landscape for more than three years, is deepening. 中国内地经济急剧放缓:今年第一季度经济增长率创6年新低;出口大幅减少;中国生产者价格通缩(3年多以来整体大环境的一部分)正在加剧。
Since September last year, deflation measured by the producer price index ( PPI) has deepened from minus 1.29 per cent to minus 4.24 per cent in March this year, far outstripping the 90 basis points in interest rate cuts over the same period. 今年3月,以工业品出厂价格指数(PPI)变化量衡量的通缩水平,已从去年9月的-1.29%扩大至-4.24%,变动幅度远超同期的降息幅度&后者为90个基点。
For those basic agricultural products, equivalent measurements of market price support shall be made using the applied administered price and the quantity of production eligible to receive that price or, where this is not practicable, on budgetary outlays used to maintain the producer price. 对于这些基本农产品、应使用适用的管理价格和有资格接受该价格的产量计算市场价格支持等值,在不可行的情况下,应使用维持生产者价格的预算支出计算。
PPI, that's the Producer Price Index, stood at7.3 percent, also higher than February's read. 生产者价格指数(PPI)同比上升7.3%,同样比二月份的数据还高。
Other data showed that the annual rate of producer price inflation edged up to 10.1 per cent in August from 10 per cent in July, while urban fixed-asset investment growth rose slightly. 其它数据显示,今年8月份生产者价格指数(ppi)同比增幅从7月的10%小幅升至10.1%,同时城市固定资产投资增速略有上升。
The above unit price is our company's producer price ( not contain tax), our company can send goods for you, not contain freight charge. 以上单价是本公司出厂价(不含税)本公司可代为发货,不承担运费。
Deflation is even a possibility, with annual producer price inflation plunging to 2 per cent in November, less than one-third the October reading. 连通缩都成了一种可能性,因为11月份的年度生产者价格通胀猛跌至2%,不到10月份数据的三分之一。
Separately, the April producer price index, which gauges prices at the wholesale level, rose driven by growth in food prices. 此外,4月份生产者价格指数(PPI)上升,主要受食品价格上涨推动。
US Consumer Price Index readings indicate a drop in pricing that has not been seen for61 years and Producer Price Index readings also indicate a strong trend downward. 美国消费物价指数的读数显示出61年来从来未见过的下降;生产者价格指数数据也显示较强的下降趋势。
A Study of Producer Price Index Volatility by Factor Analysis 基于因子分析方法的PPI波动率研究
The currency, which has been strengthening over the past few weeks, got another push yesterday after a rise in producer price inflation suggested the Bank of England would continue to increase UK interest rates. 过去几周持续走强的英镑昨日又添新的推动因素:生产者价格指数上涨,显示英国央行(bankofengland)将会继续加息。
The producer price index for finished goods, which was forecast by economists to jump by 0.6 per cent in July from a month earlier, instead gained 1.2 per cent, government data showed yesterday. 昨天公布的官方数据显示,7月份产成品的生产者价格指数(ppi)比上月增长了1.2%,而经济学家预测为0.6%。
China plunged into producer price deflation two years ago, despite rapid wage inflation. 两年前,尽管中国工资水平在快速上升,生产者价格却开始下跌。
By the end of September, Chinese factory gate prices had been in deflationary territory for 32 consecutive months, the longest period of producer price inflation in the country in the modern era. 截至9月底,中国工业品出厂价格已经连续32个月处于通缩区间,这是当代中国生产者价格指数(PPI)下滑期延续最长的一次。
The Producer Price Index for China's industrial products rose by6.1 percent in January over the same month last year, the National Bureau of Statistics said. 报道中说,据国家统计局数据显示,今年1月,中国工业品出厂价格同比上涨6.1%。
Inflation is further pummelling earnings: producer price inflation rose by 10 per cent in the year to July. 通货膨胀进一步影响企业收益:截止7月的1年间,中国的生产者价格指数(PPI)上升了10%。
The producer price index shows that deflation is already very serious. PPI数据证明中国的通缩已经很严重了。
Money shock is more influential than nominal exchange rate and import price on domestic inflation fluctuation, but it is not the main course of producer price fluctuation. 货币供应量波动对国内价格水平的影响力要强于名义汇率和进口价格波动,而且是导致消费者价格波动的主要原因之一。
The change of exchange rate significantly affects both retail price and producer price, with bigger elasticity on producer price than on retail price. 汇率的变动显著地影响了零售物价水平和生产者价格水平,其中生产者物价指数对汇率变动的弹性大于零售物价指数对汇率变动的弹性。
The paper finds the following results, in the short run; domestic producer price fluctuation is mainly attributed to the import price shock, while consumer price fluctuation to the import price and money stock shocks. 通过计量研究我们可以发现,国内生产者价格的短期波动主要归因于进口价格冲击,而消费者价格的短期波动则主要是进口价格和货币供给冲击造成的。
Therefore, the rising international commodity prices delivered to the domestic market through import channels, causing fluctuations of industrial producer price index ( IPI) and consumer price index ( CPI). 因此,国际大宗商品价格上涨通过进口渠道传递到国内市场,引起国内工业生产者购进价格指数(IPI)、居民消费价格指数(CPI)的波动。
The Services Producer Price Index ( SPPI) provides information on price change for service businesses services. 服务业生产者价格指数(SPPI)反映的是服务业企业所提供服务的平均价格变动情况。
The changes of services producer price have a big impact on the development of relevant industries and enterprises, even the operation of the national economy, which makes the demand of producer price statistics for services more and more urgent. 服务业生产者价格的变动对相关行业和企业的发展乃至国民经济的运行均会产生显著影响,这使得相关部门对服务业生产者价格统计数据的需求越来越迫切。
The second part is the preparation of the telecommunications industry in Denmark the producer price index detailed process analysis. 第二部分是对丹麦编制电信服务业生产者价格指数具体流程的分析。